Crossing Fibers: A Retrospectroscopic View
An exhibition from June 14-18, 2015, at Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu during the meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
A project coordinated by Daniel Margulies, Natacha Mendes, Glad Mihai and Tamara Vanderwal

by Estrid Jakobsen
Featuring the works that best represent the synergy between neuroscience and the art worlds from the past five years of BrainArt Competitions hosted by the Neuro Bureau.
Alfred Anwander, Slicing the Connectome
AmanPreet Badhwar, Connections
The Brain Fit Club at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Jump Rope Brain
Sebastien Dery, Just Like a Barcode & Retro Brain
Diane Lavoie & Stefan Gold, I Love You With All My Brain
Charlotte Rae, Marylin
Paul Schietekat, IQ burger
Michel Thiebaut de Schotten & Benedicte Batrancourt, Lace Brain
Inga Popesko, Wired up
Martijn van den Heuvel, Unraveling Connectomes
Nynke van der laan, The Proof of the Pudding is in the Brain – a Standardized Brain-Shaped Food Stimuli Set for fMRI
With the help of AmanPreet Badhwar, Philipp Haueis, Estrid Jakobsen, and Sofie Valk.
Supported by
Many thanks to the OHBM council for the exhibition space