It's not fully confirmed yet, but let's hope it will be very soon.
Nathalie Regard should join us in HBM ! Enjoying the art is one thing, but enjoying the unique company of the artist is going to throw us in a whole different dimension. This was the point after all ... art meets HBM. Well, time will come, soon. Nathalie is based in Mexico and, as most of us, she's going to come a long way to Québec city. But she is very excited to learn more about neuroscience and brain mapping, and we are thrilled that she will join us in person.
Nathalie has lead very ambitious art works in the past. You can have a look at her
big scanning project for details, but here is the short version. Just imagine a pixelized image, something like a 100x100 grid ... Now imagine that instead of taking a digital picture, you've painted every pixel. Whoa, that sounds like a lot of work, right ? That's how it would look like ...
Now, imagine you're taking a huge picture of, say, a hangar. And "pixelize" it that way ... just imagine ...

Now let's just add the artist in it to get a feel of how big that actually is:

I would have been absolutely delighted to tell you that Nathalie has made a "big scanning" of a brain. But actually, the piece she will bring to HBM may be even more exciting than that. I don't want to spoil completely the surprise, but here are a couple of hints. First, it will involve brain imaging. Second, Nathalie has been keeping a journal of her dreams for the past fifteen years ...

Now, you're going to have to wait till HBM to see the outcome of this exploding coktail. Only a few teasers left before D-day, I can't wait to be there ...
Pierre Bellec & The Neurobureau
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Last minute update : Nathalie bought her ticket to Canada !
Hello neurobureau,
There was a very cool canadian-style carpet at the art@hbm and I wanted to show it to my colleagues back home. Do you know if there are photos of it online?
The work of Marjorie Taylor can be found at:
The piece we showed at the exhibition was the first on the page: “Bill’s Brain”
Thanks for your interest, and please let us know if you have other questions…
there are now pictures on-line, including the famous rug (aka bill’s brain)